Plastic vs. Metal Plastering Trowels—Which Is Best?

Jul 26, 2021

In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of plastic trowels within the plastering industry. As a result, there appears to be a division between tradesmen as to which tool they believe is better for the job–plastic or metal.

With the wide range of options now available for purchase, the plastering world has seen significant leaps forward in terms of the technology available. For example, a trowel that gave you a great finish 4 years ago has likely been surpassed by a more lightweight and modern version.

Let's explore each version in detail and then we will deliver our opinion on which material reigns supreme.

Metal Trowels

This is the more traditional trowel and is usually made from stainless steel–so it's built to last. Metal trowels do usually require a little more maintenance, but with proper care, they can last for years.

By default, any metal trowel will be stronger than its plastic counterpart. Therefore, they are much less susceptible to damage while being used on site.

As is expected, their strength and reliability do cause metal trowels to be heavier than plastic. This can impact your ability to plaster a wall efficiently and effectively. For example, plastering for 4 hours with a metal trowel will prove to be far more strenuous than with a plastic trowel.

On the other hand, metal trowels are extremely reliable for consistent plastering as they have been for decades. The benefits of a metal trowel are clear: strong, consistent, and long-lasting. However, the rise in popularity of plastic trowels has plasterers wondering if they should make the switch.

Plastic Trowels

The plastic trowel is the new kid on the block. The rise in popularity of plastic trowels has given an alternative option for plasterers looking to take their work to the next level. Lighter and more flexible than the metal versions, plastic trowels are ideal for those looking for a tool that is easier on their body when plastering.

The majority of plasterers who have made the switch to plastic trowels have done so because of the lighter-weight material. Less weight equals less effort required to plaster a wall–hard to complain about that.

However, plastic tools aren't without their own downsides. Because they aren't made from such a sturdy material, they are much more susceptible to damage during use. Especially when you're going over beads.

The Verdict

We still prefer the classic, metal trowel over a plastic one. Plastic trowels should not be viewed as a complete replacement for the metal ones just yet–but that could change as they are further developed for increased durability.

While plastic trowels offer lightweight benefits, metal trowels provide reliability and consistency that can't be matched by the plastic counterpart.

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